Foundation Repair
Whether you're in a newly built home or living in an older home, foundation issues can happen at any moment. Arkansas law holds contractors responsible for foundation repairs up to five years after construction. Afterward, it's the homeowner's responsibility.
Integrity Foundation Repair has years of experience repairing foundations in Arkansas and Oklahoma. Our technicians are highly trained and skilled at diagnosing the problem and implementing proven solutions to put INTEGRITY back in your foundation.
Causes of Foundation Failure
A home is only as stable and strong as its foundation. Look for these tell-tale signs so you know when to contact Integrity Foundation Repair.
- Sub-standard Foundation Construction - Inadequate steel and sub-standard concrete
- Poor Soil Conditions - Expansion and contraction contribute to foundation failure
- Poor ground preparation - Low-density soils and/or improperly compacted soil beneath a home or building is one of the leading causes of foundation failure
- Plumbing leaks - Water from plumbing leaks is often a cause of foundation failure
- Poor Drainage - Improper drainage is one of the leading causes of foundation failure. Excess moisture will erode or consolidate soils and cause settlement
- Evaporation - Hot dry wind and intense heat will often cause the soil to contract beneath the foundation
- Transpiration - Tree roots may draw moisture from the soil beneath the foundation, causing contraction of the soil, resulting in foundation failure
We Can Correct Your Foundation Problems
Concrete never stops curing. Although it becomes dry enough to build on after a few weeks, concrete continues to lose moisture during its lifetime, eventually cracking and shifting. These problems are inevitable, but Integrity Foundation Repair promises to fix these issues for you to get you back in your home in no time.
Our most common solutions are:
· Hydraulic Cylinders
· Brackets
· Steel Piles
All materials used are coated with a rust-resistant rubberized coating.

Integrity System Features
- Hydraulic Cylinders - Have over 70,000 lbs of driving force to deliver to the piles to reach adequate load-bearing strata.
- Brackets - The brackets exceed 100,000 lbs. of force.
- Steel Piles - The steel pile material selected for its unique high quality to resist bending of 150,000 lbs.
- Pile Starter - The pile starter expands the soil, to reduce friction as the pile is driven through unstable soil.
- Guide Sleeve - The extended guide sleeve absorbs the pressure as the pile is driven to assure that it is driven straight into the soil.
- Helical Driving Head - The driving head delivers rapid power to the sections of piling to maximize the proper depth needed to reach adequate load-bearing strata.
- System Parts - All raw material is inspected for defects. All parts are manufactured by qualified INTEGRITY team members.
- All material used is coated with a rust-resistant rubberized coating.
Foundation Repair
Extreme weather conditions, area soil conditions, age and poor construction can all effect the quality and safety of your home. Let our team help you get your foundation back to how it was or was supposed to be!

Please Don't Wait Until It's Too Late!
Fort Smith soil is mostly comprised of clay and sand which are constantly moving, making it increasingly difficult for your foundation to remain intact.
The moment you notice cracks, shifting, poor drainage, or leaks, contact Integrity Foundation Repair to correct the problem. We're just a phone call away from a free estimate.
Call Now to Schedule Your Free Estimate
Integrity Foundation Repair provides foundation repair and foundation mitigation services in Arkansas and Oklahoma. The Integrity Team will assess your foundation repair needs and provide the best options to solve any issue you might have.
We use the latest technology and best practices to set your home back on a firm foundation; a foundation with Integrity!
The Integrity name is important to us and our employees understand that customer service is more than just a phone number to call. It means treating the customer the way we would want to be treated.
When you need foundation repair, or just think you might call Integrity for a free foundation repair estimate.